News and Articles

On this page you can find articles written about the PTO Program as well as news events, presentations, and publications.


Training the 21st Century Police Officer: Redefining Police Professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department— by Glenn, Russell W., Barbara Raymond, Dionne Barnes-Proby, Elizabeth Williams, John Christian, Matthew W. Lewis, Scott Gerwehr and David Brannan. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2003. (see page 114 for Rand’s recommendation regarding PTO for the LAPD)

Best Practices Guide for Field Training for Today’s Recruits
By Captain Margaret A. Fischer, Ph.D., J.D., Michigan State University Police
Department, Support Services Division Commander (IACP and BJA publication)

Law Enforcement Field Training Models: Is It Time for a Change?
Campus Law Enforcement Journal  Volume:35  Issue:5  Dated:  September/October 2005  Pages:23-30

The Police Training Officer (PTO) Program: A Contemporary Approach to Postacademy Recruit Training — by Commander Steven Pitts and Deputy Chief Ronald W. Glensor, Reno, Nevada, Police Department; and Kenneth J. Peak, Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Nevada, Reno 2007

A New Strategy for Training Police Officers – the PTO ProgramCALEA Update Magazine | Issue 102 (This is an assessment of the Reno Model PTO Program by Dr. Patricia S. Rushing, Director, Center for Public Safety and Justice, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois 2010

The Reno Model PTO Program: Effective Training Principles for the 21st Century — by Jimmy Lee, Farmers Branch Police (A leadership white paper for the Leadership Command College, TX) 2010

Wikipedia Article on Reno Model — this is a general overview of the Reno Model and its development

Keeping Records in Check:  electronic field training management gives police agencies a clear view of recruits’ potentialby Robert Galvin posted on (


2015 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) develops PTO model for federal agency.

2013 Denco Area 9-1-1 District, TX, completes training program for DTO based on Reno/COPS Model and submits to TCLEOSE for certification.  Mindy Adams is the contact person.

2013 U.S. Army Military Police adopt Reno/COPS Model at Ft. Hood, Texas.

2010 Steve Pitts has been appointed as Chief of Police, Reno Police Department.

2010 Jerry Hoover was appointed as Principal Deputy Program Manager, Afghanistan Civilian Advisor Support Program. This program, administers the U.S. Department of State efforts to train the Afghanistan National Police. The program is operated by DynCorp International.

2008 Chief Jerry Hoover joined a U.S. State Department team that went to Nepal in August and trained officers who were about to deploy to Darfur.

2008 Chief Hoover presented the PTO Program to the New Zealand Police Research Symposium on July 14. He then toured the country and met police training officials in the various districts.

2006 Chief Hoover left Sudan after one year to become a Senior Police Advisor for the U.S. Department of State. He completed an assessment of the Iraqi Police Services.  After six months in Iraq, he returned to Washington, D.C.

2006 Chief Jerry Hoover completed his tour for the United Nations in Africa to reform and restructure the Sudanese police. Midway through this assignment, the United Nations appointed him as the interim Police Commissioner in Sudan. He commanded 715 international police officers from 42 different nations.

2004 The Reno/COPS Model has been featured in two Criminal Justice textbooks.

2004 The Discovery Channel has filmed a segment on the Reno Police Department, featuring the Reno Model.

2003 The Reno/COPS Model was featured in Training the 21st Century Police Officer, Rand Corporation recommendations for the Los Angeles Police Department.

2003 The Reno/COPS Model was selected for the Champions of Industry Award, Pat Summerall Productions, for innovation in government.

2003 The Reno/COPS Model was featured on CNN in September, 2003.

2002 The PTO Program was Recipient of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Award, Department of Justice, for most innovative COPS funded project.


2019:   Northern Nevada International Center, University of Nevada, Reno.  Presentation to the Mexican delegation hosted by the U.S. Department of State regarding police training, community policing, and international policing.

2015:  Northern Nevada International Center, University of Nevada, Reno.  Presentation to the Argentinian delegation hosted by the U.S. Department of State regarding police training, community policing, and international policing.

2014:   MdE User’s Group/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Conference on Police Training, Las Vegas, Nevada.  Presentation on police training models.

2011:  Northern Nevada Women’s Lawyers, Reno, Nevada.  Presentation on international policing and women’s rights in Afghanistan

2011:  New Zealand Military Command College, Wellington, New Zealand.  Presentation to military officers on the suicide attack at Afghanistan Training Center

2010: Royal New Zealand Defense College, Wellington, New Zealand. Presenter, “International Policing and Intelligence.”

2010: Presented the PTO program to various police districts and the Royal New Zealand Police College.

2008: New Zealand Police Research Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand. Presenter, “Reno Model PTO Program and Community Policing.”

2008: ILETSB Executive Institute, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois. Presenter, “Crime Specific Policing” and “Topics in Homeland Security: Examples from Sudan.”

2006: US Department of State Conference on Counter Insurgency Operations, Washington, DC. Presenter.

2006: Workshop on Problem-Based Learning, Washington, DC. Presenter.

2005: California P.O.S.T. Instructor Development Workshop, San Diego, California. Presenter, “Problem-Based Learning for Basic Police Academies.”

2004 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office, Department of Justice) President’s National DNA Initiative: Law Enforcement Training Development Focus Group, Washington, D.C. Subject-matter expert on police training.

2004: Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office, Department of Justice) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. Presenter, “The Reno Model: a 21st Century Training Program” and “The Police Chief’s Role: Heaven or Hell? Labor-Management relations.”

2004: Western Social Sciences Association, Regional Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. Presenter, “The Reno Model: a post-academy field training program for the 21st Century.”

2004: National Association of Field Training Officers (NAFTO), Madison, Wisconsin. Conference presentation on the Reno Model PTO Program.

2004: Community Policing Consortium, Los Angeles, California. Subject-matter expert on terrorism: National conference and roundtable on homeland security programs

2004: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Arlington, Virginia. Subject-matter expert on terrorism: National Policy Summit on Public Policing and Private Security in Homeland Defense and Terrorism Incidents

2003: U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor project, Reno, Nevada, “Civil Society Confronts Terrorism.” Subject-matter expert on terrorism, consulted with representatives from Spanish government and media

2003: Northern Nevada F.B.I. Joint Terrorism Task Force, meeting, Reno, Nevada. Presenter: “Historical View of Terrorism”

2003: State of Virginia, Regional Community Policing Institute, Training Conference, Roanoke, Virginia. Presenter: “The Reno PTO Model”

2002: State of Maine, Regional Community Policing Institute, Training Conference, Lewiston, Maine. Presenter: “The Reno PTO Model”

2002: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, National Conference, Anaheim, California. Presenter: “Innovations in Field Training: the Reno P.T.O. Model”

2002: California Consortium of Academy Directors, Meeting, San Diego, California. Presenter: “Problem-Based Learning in Post Academy Training”

2002: Office of Community Oriented Police Services (COPS), Regional Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. Presenter: “The Reno PTO Model: an award-winning national training effort”

2001: U.S. Conference of Mayors and Office of Community Oriented Police Services (COPS), Regional Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Panel discussion: “Assessment of Community Policing Impact on Crime”

2001: Office of Community Oriented Police Services (COPS), Regional Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Presenter: “The Reno PTO Model”

2001: Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), POP Conference, San Diego, California. Presenter: “A New Generation of Field Training: The Reno PTO Model”

2001: American Anthropological Association, National Conference, San Francisco, California. Presenter: “Practical Application of Anthropology in the Workplace”

2000: Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), Conference, Washington, D.C. Presenter: “The Reno Model of Police Training”

2000: National Crime Prevention Center, Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, Panel discussion: “The Future of Policing”

1998 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, “Redesigning Basic Police Training to Incorporate community Policing Principles” Conference. Presenter: “Community Policing as an Integral Part of the Field Training Experience”

1998: State of Illinois Regional Community Policing Institute, First Annual Conference. Presenter: “Building Alliances for Safer and Healthier Communities”

1997: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Regional Conference, Reno, Nevada. Presenter: “Academic and Practitioner Relationships in Criminal Justice”


Hoover, Jerry (2017) Executive Summary, Reno/COPS Model 2nd Edition, Las Vegas, NV.

Hoover, Jerry (2017) The Reno/COPS Instructor Manual 2nd Edition, Las Vegas, NV.  This manual is only available to those who have completed the 80-Hour PTO Train-the-Trainer Course.

Hoover, Jerry (2013) The Role of the Executive in Community Policing, The Encyclopedia of Community Policing, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Hoover, Jerry (2013) The Role of the Middle Manager in Community Policing, The Encyclopedia of Community Policing, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Hoover, Jerry (2006) The Reno Model PTO Manual, Reno, NV.

Hoover, Jerry (2006) United Nations Model PTO Manual, Baghdad, Iraq.

Hoover, Jerry (2006)  Sudan Model PTO Manual, Khartoum, Sudan.

Hoover, Jerry (2005), The Reno Model Police Training Officer Program, NAFTO Newsletter, January, Madison, WI.

Hoover, Jerry (2005) Voices from the Field, in Police and Society (3rd ed.), Roy R. Roberg et al, Roxbury Publishing, Los Angeles, California.

Hoover, Jerry (2004), History of Police Allocation Models, in Police Resource Allocation and Deployment, Larry Hoover, ed., Police Executive Research Forum.

Hoover, Jerry (2004), Police Chief’s Role: Heaven or Hell, in Navigating Dangerous Waters: Survival in the Real World Of Police Labor-Management Relations, Justex Systems, Sam Houston State University.

Reno Police Department, Office of Community Policing Services (COPS), and Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) (2003), Problem-Based Learning Manual for Training and Evaluating Police Trainees, Jerry Hoover, Project Director, published by PERF, Washington, D.C.

Hoover, Jerry et al (2001), A New Generation of Field Training: The Reno PTO Model, in Solving Crime and Disorder Problems, eds. Melissa Reuland, Corina Sole Brito, and Lisa Carroll; Police Executive Research Forum, Washington, D.C.

Hoover, Jerry (2001), Executive Summary: Problem-Based Learning Manual for Training and Evaluating Police Trainees, Reno Police Department, Reno, Nevada.

Hoover, Jerry (1999), Introduction, in Policing America: methods, issues, challenges, Kenneth J. Peak, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Hoover, Jerry (1997), The Cop Shop, column in St. Joseph Telegraph newspaper (1996-1997), St. Joseph, Missouri.

Hoover, Jerry (1996), Standardized Evaluation Guidelines for Community Policing, NAFTO Newsletter, July, Boulder, Colorado.

Hoover, Jerry and Glenn Kaminsky (1990), Field Training and Evaluation Program Manual, Boulder Police Department, Boulder, Colorado. More than 1000 copies have been requested by police agencies in U.S., Canada, Britain, and Australia.

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