I know the site people are referring to. I am saddened by the way the site claims that they were “the developers” of the PTO program. They were hired by me to write the manual months after the original team developed the major elements of the program. They did a good job with the manual and they added a training perspective with problem-based learning that was very important. So, in fact, they were part of the team that developed the program, but hardly did it by themselves, which is what the statement on their site appears to say. It also says they have the only revision to the original PTO program since its inception. This is not the case as the Reno Model is the first revision of the original model, which occurred within a year of submitting the program to the COPS Office. I don’t think they are trying to mislead people intentionally, as their statement about the history of the program, found in another area on their site, is fairly accurate.
Training Opportunities
80-Hour PTO Class: Train-the-Trainer. October 21 to November 1, 2024. Casper, Wyoming. Contact person:
Christopher E Funch
Casper Police Department
Office: (307) 235-8306
Cell: (307) 267-3561
cfunch@casperwy.govPresident’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Recommends PTO
5.13.1 Action Item: The U.S. Department of Justice should support the development of broad Field Training Program standards and training strategies that address changing police culture and organizational procedural justice issues that agencies can adopt and customize to local needs.
A potential model for this is the Police Training Officer program developed by the COPS Office in collaboration with PERF and the Reno (Nevada) Police Department. This problem-based learning strategy used adult learning theory and problem solving tools to encourage new officers to think with a proactive mindset, enabling the identification of and solution to problems within their communities.
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